
Best Menopause Diets Women must Understand

Posted by Jasmine Wednesday, June 9, 2010

menopause dietsMany women search for menopause diets just to gain solutions on how to shed off some pounds. For women, menopause and post menopause are dreadful stages where you can experience hot flushes, mood swings, dry skin, weight gain and osteoporosis. However, on the good light, it all depends on what you eat and your lifestyle that makes a big difference in combating the effects of menopause.

The primary reason why we gain weight during menopause is because when we get older, our metabolism slows down, it already takes longer for our body to burn calories, and our digestion more often becomes sluggish.

Nutrition experts, dietitians, and doctors know that what you eat can directly affect your mood. These experts also agree that foods like tofu, fresh fruits, vegetables that contain anti-oxidants can reduce the symptoms of menopause. Low-fat and high-fiber diet aids in weight loss and improvement of digestion. Other than that, these foods are rich in calcium too which aids the bones to become healthy.

A change in lifestyle can also help in alleviating adverse menopause diseases. Doing weight exercises and routines in the gym or using your body weight can also already help strengthen your bones. These exercises help tone muscles and burn fats more.

Many women find Yoga as one of the best menopause treatment exercise since it helps in strengthening the bones and muscles, aids in breathing; it minimizes hot flushes, anxiety, and other mood swings. All in all, Yoga is a relaxing exercise that enables you to release all your stress and depressed feelings.

The clear meaning of everything is that there is no such thing as excellent menopause diets without healthy exercises. Menopause diet and exercise forms a healthy lifestyle for any woman living in the menopause stage.


  1. This post is really fantastic for womens.The post is do infomative.And i agree with this diet chat is suitalbe for growing age.Thanks for sharing your views.Keep posting.:)

  2. The best tips are to exercise and to keep the body moving. As we age, our body weakens. So it would be best to get it used to certain exercises. This will be especially important to those who are in the menauposal and post menauposal stage. Eating more fruits and veggies also helps flush out bad cholesterol and toxins in our body.

  3. Brian Says:
  4. Most menopause issues arise due to unhealthy eating habits and the lifestyle you lead.
    Treatments for Menopause

  5. Thanks for sharing, I will bookmark and be back again

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I am an advocate for menopause diets for women ages between 40 and 60. I do relate with women's concerns with regards to their health status especially when they are reaching the menopausal and post menopausal stage